Our programs focus on how to give single mothers in Uganda the opportunities and resources to build sustainable, healthy lives. Our Crazy Love Africa sisters are encouraged to follow their dreams and use their gifts when starting their business. Micro-business grants are an effective strategy for alleviating poverty and empowering our sisters. In addition to creating sustainable income, our programs include monthly sisterhood support circles where the sisters will gather, learn to make skilled artisan crafts, and receive business training, health education, and emotional support.

Micro-Business Grants
Micro-business grants are an effective strategy for alleviating poverty and empowering women. Inspired by our belief that all people have the right, the will, and the capacity to direct their own future, we offer a hand up from poverty to possibility though economic capacity.

Youth Sponsorship
Crazy Love Africa provides educational sponsors for all children for the women who participate in our program. Our students attend nursery school through vocational and secondary schools, and university. A sponsor is identified for each youth to pay their school fees. Sponsors also have the opportunity to correspond with their sponsored youth throughout the year.

Sisterhood Support Circles
We train and support our sisters within community cooperative groups. The sisterhood support circles meet twice monthly and create both a safe community for single mothers and a model to promote motivation and success. Our Support Circles also provide training by health and business professionals, artisans, and counselors. Community truly is the key to unlocking the strength, courage, and hope in every woman!

Artisan Fair-Trade Crafts
Crazy Love Africa has tapped into the artistry and industriousness of the extraordinary women of the Toro Kingdom in Uganda. They make beautiful, colorful jewelry, baskets and textiles. Their artisan goods are truly individual works of art. We use the revenue from the sales to fund all our programs. In this way, the women are actually using their skills and hard work to help pull themselves out of poverty. Crazy Love Africa provides additional artisan training to all of our sisters to learn new artisan techniques and skills.
Crazy Love Africa is a proud member of the Fair-Trade Federation and commits to all nine of the Fair-Trade principles. Learn more about the Fair Trade Federation here: www.fairtradefederation.org
Check out our artisan craft store on our website and Shop with Purpose! www.crazyloveafrica.com

Crazy Love Africa Ambassadors
Crazy Love Africa takes Adult and Youth Ambassador trips to Uganda yearly. We are looking for folks who are interested in being emerged in a new culture and open to the solidarity model of serving one another. Our Ambassador experiences are transformative for both youth and adults. You will enjoy a journey full of adventures in the villages of Uganda, being a part of our Crazy Love Africa community and helping to advance our mission.
“Our initiatives build confidence in such a meaningful way in the lives of our sisters. We are able to address inequality while promoting economic and social transformations. This is giving women opportunities and elevating their voices.”
Jess Wiederholt | CLA Founder & Executive Director
Making a difference
I have witnessed a change in each of my sisters through their participation in our Sisterhood Support Circles. The best way to describe it is a renewed sense of joy, confidence, and happiness in each of them. They are free to be themselves and lead each other to a fulfilled life with friendships and community. They find that strength deep within themselves that they forgot they had. Our sisters guide each other with courage and hope to be leaders in their communities.” – Susan, CLA Field Assistant