Community Center
In March of 2020 we purchased the land. In September, 2022 we broke ground. In October 2023 we began the process of completing the ground floor. Our sisters’ dream is turning into a community of global citizens, working together to build the Crazy Love Africa Community Center and ensure our programs will continue, sustainably into the future. The top floor of the Community Center will be dedicated exclusively to income generating rental apartments which will cover the costs of the building’s maintenance and care.
We invite you to join us on our journey of Crazy Love. This center will be a safe place for our sisters to meet for support groups, health education, business training, craft workshops, and will have a store to sell our artisan crafts to people around the world. Our sister’s children will also utilize the CLA Community Center’s classroom space for tutoring, training, and support, thus fulfilling our mission to positively affect and empower the entire family.

Make a pledge
You can support our Crazy Love Africa Community Center in many ways. By making a generous monthly pledge or one-time donation you will help us meet our goal for each phase of the community center. Donate directly to our CLA Community Center. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our Ugandan sisters and their families in the Crazy Love Africa community!
Make a difference
It has been our dream to have a home where our Crazy Love Africa sisters can gather, support each other, train, mentor, and create. The Crazy Love Africa Community Center will allow us to sell our artisan goods to visitors from around the world who visit our village. Our dream is coming true. Crazy Love Africa Women Artisans will truly be leaders in our community. - Tinah, CLA Sister