We’ve received the heartbreaking news that Coronavirus (COVID-19) has reached our beloved country of Uganda. The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has recently closed schools, borders, and postponed the 2020 elections. All of our Crazy Love Africa children are now home with their mothers.
Uganda has a population of 45 million and is densely populated. Since the 1980s they have lost millions to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and currently have experienced a small cross-over of Ebola from the DRC. But, a country like Uganda is not equipped for a major pandemic like the Coronavirus.
None of us want to operate in fear, yet we understand the potential for a very trying time ahead. Social distancing is nearly impossible to execute in Uganda. Most food is purchased in open markets on mostly a daily basis. There is not the luxury of hoarding non-perishable foods, freezing food, much less access to electricity and clean water. Our schools in Uganda can’t simply move to an online curriculum. There’s no extra space to self-quarantine when an entire family is sharing one room. And there will be no stimulus checks to buoy already dire financial situations.
Many of our Crazy Love Africa sisters have compromised immune systems. Some of our sisters are still daily trying to get their immune system healthy again after being diagnosed with HIV. Some of our sisters have other illnesses that contribute to their vulnerability to the Coronavirus. Our Crazy Love Africa staff both in the U.S. and Uganda are taking seriously our responsibility to educate our sisters and their families and to help keep them safe during this time. We have recently conducted an in-service on proper handwashing techniques and provided each of our families with hand soap. Dr. Gilbert Ategeka was our trainer and did a wonderful job educating our sisters on: hand washing, coughing, not touching our faces, keeping safe distances from others, and staying home with children during this world health crisis. Our social worker will be doing check-ins with each family to make sure they are staying healthy and their daily needs are met. With your help, we will continue to have emergency medical funds and emergency loans available for our sisters who need any extra assistance during these difficult times. We are confident our Crazy Love Africa sisters will be an important emotional support system for one another. We appreciate all of your extra prayers at this time as well as any financial support to assist our families.
You can donate directly here: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/crazyloveafricacovid19emergencyfund
We continue to pray for those affected by this virus, and all our global brothers and sisters who are united during this time to love and care for one another.